

Causes, Prevention and Treatment Tips for Mouth Ulcers

At some point or another, we have all had oral ulcers. Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores, are tiny, painful wounds that often do little harm and go away on their own. However, because they affect your eating patterns, they can be uncomfortable and quite problematic.

There are three different types of ulcers: minor, major, and recurrent. Minor ulcers are smaller than big sores, have red borders, and heal fast without leaving any scars. Major ulcers are larger than minor sores, are highly painful, and can take up to six weeks to cure. The third kind is Herpeti form, which is composed of a collection of 10 to 100 individual pinpoint ulcers that have fused together. They don't leave any scars and take around two weeks to heal.

According to some experts, around one out of every ten persons is affected. The majority of people receive them for the first time as teenagers or young adults. Women experience them more frequently than males. 

According to the National Library of Medicine (US) the lesser variety, which affects 85% of all canker sore sufferers, is by far the most prevalent. 5% of people have herpeti form canker sores, while only 10% have significant canker sores.


What are mouth Ulcers?

A mouth ulcer, often known as a Canker Sore, is a tiny lesion in the mouth. It can occur on the cheeks, gums, lips, tongue, or even the roof of the mouth. The ulcer itself can be quite painful on contact and cause persistent discomfort. If it is bloated, it may get accidentally chewed on or impede ones bite.

Since the cheeks and gums are the areas that are most frequently bitten, mouth ulcers that develop there are typically the most painful. Sizes of mouth ulcers can range from 1 mm to 1 cm in diameter. Anything with a diameter of more than 1 cm may be dangerous.

The center of mouth ulcers often has a pale yellow color. The ulcers exterior is frequently colored brilliant crimson, brighter than the tissue that surrounds it. Inflammation is the cause of this brightness, and the region may also be enlarged. However, canker sores and mouth ulcers are not contagious.


What Causes Mouth Ulcers

The National Library of Medicine states that there is no one unique cause of canker sores. Many result from small mouth injuries, such as accidentally biting the tongue or cheek, dental work-related injuries, eating foods that are too hot or acidic, or extremely aggressive teeth cleaning. These sores can also be brought on by hormonal fluctuations, dietary sensitivities, autoimmune diseases, viral infections, and perhaps even heredity.

Several studies have discovered a genetic link and those with a family history are more likely to get more severe sores. One study, for instance, found that people with a family history of canker sores are more likely to develop them. According to the Nemours Center for Childrens Health Media, sores are also associated with stress, being more likely during times of high anxiety, as well as a womans menstrual cycle, which may explain why women tend to have sores more frequently.

Canker sores may also be brought on by mouthwash and toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate in it. Canker sores may also be caused by the bacteria Heliobacter pylori, which can result in peptic ulcers in the stomach, intestinal disorders including Celiac disease, an inflammatory bowel illness, or the inflammatory condition Behcets disease.

Eating Habits For Mouth Ulcer Relief

If you frequently have mouth ulcers, you should examine your food. When you have a mouth ulcer, what you eat can also affect how you feel since some foods may irritate your mouth and make you feel even more uncomfortable:


1. A lot of fruits and fruit juices, such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tomatoes, and cherries, as well as anything containing vinegar, are acidic meals that should be avoided. Meals with sharp edges like bread, crackers, and biscuits are among the other foods that might irritate your tongue. Avoid items that are salty and spicy as well.


2. Choose soft meals that are simple to chew when you have a painful mouth ulcer, such as bananas, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, and other vegetables, scrambled eggs, and oatmeal. Ensure that everything is cooked until it is soft and tender, and if required, puree your meal in a blender. If even soft food causes discomfort when you chew it, stick to soup until your mouth feels less sore.


3. Foods high in vitamin E and natural live yogurt are examples of those that may help prevent mouth ulcers. Consume food such as spinach and other green vegetables, avocado, and many nuts and seeds.


4. Foods containing vitamin A or beta carotene, a substance that is converted into vitamin A in the body, may help prevent mouth ulcers and speed up their recovery. These foods include orange, red, or yellow vegetables (peppers, carrots, sweet potato, and butternut squash).


5. Make sure you consume enough foods high in iron and vitamin B12 in your diet, such as lentils, sardines, mackerel, tuna, shellfish, beans, and spinach, since mouth ulcers can be a sign of an iron or vitamin B12 shortage.

6. To relieve mouth discomfort, you can also just suck on an ice cube or drink ice-cold water. Hot meals and beverages should be avoided since they might irritate your mouth.


Healing Mouth Ulcers

In addition to food, there are other things you can do to help mouth ulcers heal more rapidly and avoid or ease them.

1. Reduce Stress 

Many people discover that when they are upset or worried about something, they develop mouth ulcers. If this occurs to you, learning to relax more could be able to lower your stress levels and stop your mouth ulcers from recurring. You may relax more by practicing meditation and paying attention to your breathing, or you can schedule regular time to do whatever you find relaxing. Aim for at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise to help you alleviate stress (try having a brisk half-hour walk on five days during the week).


2. Brush Gently 

If you have a habit of brushing your teeth vigorously, consider switching to a softer toothbrush that wont be as harsh on your gums. Ask your dentist for advice on the best toothbrush for you. Additionally, look at the toothpastes components and switch to an SLS-free kind if it includes sodium lauryl sulfate.


3. Stay Natural 

Many people think that if you have a mouth ulcer, several natural therapies could be helpful. For instance, a few drops of tea tree oil dissolved in a glass of water can be used to generate an efficient antibacterial mouthwash that can help treat mouth ulcers. Or, make your herbal mouthwash by steeping sage leaves, either fresh or dried, in tea. 


4. Quitting Smoking 

As unexpected as it may seem, giving up smoking results in frequent mouth ulcers. However, this is only a short-term issue that will be remedied in six weeks. Therefore, for a few weeks, while youre attempting to break the habit, mouth ulcers may occur often. The advantages of quitting smoking, then, outweigh the short-term irritation caused by ulcers.


5. Identify Underlying Factors 

Ulcers may indicate the presence of certain underlying issues. One of the signs of illnesses such as reactive arthritis, celiac disease, Crohns disease, and immune system suppression is the development of ulcers. Canker sores will keep appearing and making you uncomfortable until the underlying issue is addressed.


6. Visit A Dentist 

A filling that irritates the inside of the cheek or a sharp fragment of a tooth can occasionally create mouth ulcers. If so, dont delay visiting the dentist since the sooner your tooth or filling can be fixed, the quicker your mouth sores will heal and stop returning. If youre looking for the best dentist in New Jersey, contact us today.

Nutritional Supplements for Mouth Ulcers

You may feel unpleasant if you have a mouth ulcer, especially when youre eating. Furthermore, they can be notoriously challenging to cure. But there are a few organic supplements you could find helpful:


1. Bioflavonoid/vitamin C 

All foods that contain vitamin C contain plant pigments called bioflavonoids, and it is thought that these two nutrients interact with one another in the body. Both are believed to promote wound healing, which may conceivably assist relieve mouth ulcers. Vitamin C is also an essential ingredient in the synthesis of collagen, which aids in the formation of new tissue. This may help to clarify why vitamin C is thought to be essential for healthy gums. To ensure your oral well being, make sure you consult with the top rated dentist in New Jersey.


2. Quercetin 

Quercetin, a bioflavonoid in black tea, apples, and onions, is known to have potent anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, it could be helpful if eating is a challenge for you due to an inflammatory or painful mouth. Some supplements include quercetin as well.


3. High-powered multi mineral and vitamin 

Many natural health professionals think that not receiving enough key nutrients in your diet might lead to mouth ulcers. High-quality multivitamins and mineral supplements, particularly one with sufficient amounts of iron and B vitamins could come to the rescue, as low levels of these minerals have been connected with mouth ulcers. 


4. Zinc 

There is some evidence that taking zinc supplements might help heal mouth ulcers because zinc deficiency is also known to be connected to frequent mouth ulcers. Zinc should be present in a respectable quantity in a high-quality multivitamin and mineral supplement.


Managing oral ulcers regularly might be uncomfortable, but following these instructions should make a big difference in how you feel. 

Best Dental Care Clinic in New Jersey

If you have been troubled by mouth ulcers, it could be temporary. It may take a few weeks for them to heal completely. However, if it's frequent and it affects your daily life, you shouldnt overlook this condition. If not treated on time, it can worsen and affect your oral health. Due to discomfort, you wont be able to eat and drink hot or cold, sweet, or acidic food items. 

Hence, it is essential to consult with your doctor or dental professional, if you have been experiencing pain and discomfort continuously due to mouth ulcers. If you are looking for an affordable dentist in New Jersey, visit us at Jackson Dental.

At Jackson Dental, we make sure that you feel comfortable. Our highly experienced professionals thoroughly monitor your dental health to determine the root cause of your problem.  At Jackson Dental, we understand that dental appointments may cause anxiety. We walk you through the whole process and assist you at every step so that dental appointments dont feel overwhelming.  We are an affordable and cheap family dentist New Jersey.

From your routine dental consultation to getting teeth whitening procedures and from getting braces to cheap dentures in New Jersey, we are a one-stop solution for your ultimate dental care.



Mouth ulcers could be uncomfortable, but there are things you can do to help prevent or ease mouth ulcers. Dont wait for the ulcers to become worse, else you may have to see an emergency dentist in New Jersey. With proper diet, food habits, oral hygiene, and regular dental visits, you can maintain a healthy mouth. Though it takes some effort, in the long run, your mouth will be in the best of health.

If mouth ulcers occur frequently and it affects the quality of your life, make sure to visit your dental professional for screening and treatment options to heal mouth ulcers and prevent them from happening further. To consult with the best family dentist in New Jersey, contact us today!